- Become A Certified DMIT Report Base Counsellor.
- Become A Career, Parenting,
- Personal & Relationship Counsellor.
- Learn 36 Training Modalities
- 18 Plus Multiple Intelligence Test.
- Journey Of Self Discovery & Know Yourself.
What is DMIT Test?
The full form of DMIT is Dermatographic multiple intelligence Test. It is a scientific study associated with fingerprint patterns and brain lobes this will help understanding a unique inborn potential and personality. DMIT Test technique has long been developed by Dr. Howard Gardner and medical expert. DMIT analysis will be based on your life and multiple intelligence theory know your Test strength and weakness by DMIT Test report based on Dermatographic and brain analysis.

DMIT Test for Student
Know your Personal Quotients, IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ. Know you’re analytical and creative skills. Understand your intrinsic potential. Get your preferred learning style based on Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic.

DMIT Test for Children
Know your child inborn talent. Identify best learning style for your child. Select Activity based upon their innate potential. Identify your child multiple intelligence. Improve relationship between Parents and Children.

DMIT Test for Adults
Know your hidden talents improve your relationship with loved one. Develop your understanding through better communication. Understand your values and characteristics. Improve your family relationships.