- 32 Access Bar Consciousness
- Bach Flower Therapy
- Mind Energy Meditation
- Pendulum Dowsing
- Gem Stone Crystal Grid
- Ten Tarot Reading
- Seven Chakra Healing
- Third Eye Activation
- Aura Reading & Healing
- Shamanic Healing
- Angel Therapist
- Samooray Healing
- Tibetan Sound Therapy
- Money Power Process
- Magnified Healing
- Lamafera Grand Master
- Hooponopono
- Akashik Record Power
- Hoodoo Magical Power
- Body Language Therapy
- Rune Reading

Aura ScanningThoughts and feelings give color to your aura,making it possible for a psychic to know what you are experiencing .Aura scanning helps scrutinizing a swirling mass of colors, that represent you on mental,physical and emotional level.

Aura Cleansing
Aura cleansing is removing the negative energy from your aura and clearing awful aspects of your energy system. Aura cleansing has proven to be one of the most successful and distinctive forms of modern –day holistic health care.

Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is condernedwih treating patients holistically through the precise placement of crystals on the body and the surrounding room,thecoupling of your relatively inconsistent vibration with h balancing one ifcrystal can bridge the gap between your physical,menta and spiritual selves.

Expand Aura Level
This process helps you to expand the wavelength of your aura. As your aura expands your energy starts to pick up on spirit presences such as your guides ,angelsorloved ones.