Angels are sources of universal love and light, created by God to carry out Divine will and to bring us guidance and healing. All we need to do is ask. Their presence is all around us, guiding us through life’s challenges and helping us in our hour of need. When God created the angels he appointed many of them to be at the service of humanity. However Angels follow the Universal Law of Request and won’t interfere until you ask them. They respect your free will and right to make choices and learn lessons in this your life on Earth. We live in the lucky time when Angels are flocking around Earth happy to help and assist you in any possible way.
Angel Reiki
Angel Reiki System by Danny Currincks
Pre-requisite: Reiki Master
Usui Reiki Level-3
AngelReiki System was channeled by Danny Currincks
The word angels mean the messenger of God and it is derived from a Greek word name ANGELOS. The distant ANGEL REIKI SYSTEM attunement will help you to connect with the four primary Archangels that is AA MICHAEL, AA RAPHAEL, AA GABRIEL AND AA URIEL. This attunement will help you to invoke the angelic energy in your healing practices and will help you to enhance your connectivity with the Angels. You can use the traditional hand positions for giving healings or you can also ask The Angels to guide you in this. The manual describes the 4 Archangels briefly and also give you info about receiving and giving attunements and also how to pass on healings.
NOTE:-You need to be a Reiki Master to receive this modality.
If you have not received all 4 Usui symbols you can’t choose this.
As per Guidance offering Angel Reiki Workshop over Whatsapp at just 333₹
Attunement (Distance only)
Manual is very easy to understand. If any query can ask on what’s app group.Will open group for query once course is completed.Please note no zoom call or in person guidance over phone call for this workshop.Starting this Monday day and will end by Friday mostly. As it’s on what’s app can check post at your convenient time.Ppl who’s Level 3 is not done can choose to do Level-3 (seperate paid workshop) with us and can get this beautiful energy as a gift.
Ancestral Healing Certified Course
What is ancestral healing you may well ask? The short answer is ‘healing your family tree which includes both you and any descendants you have’. You can heal members of your current family, your children, grandchildren and so on, even before they are born. Our ancestors exist not only in the genes they pass down through the generations, but also in an energetic pattern of thoughts, emotions, illnesses and karma which can effect every part of a person’s life. Ancestral healing can transform energetic patterns with a vibrational shift in the entire ancestral line.
All sorts of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues can be healed. To name a few, these include addictions such as alcoholism, depression, mental illness and various physical illnesses. Even criminality that has now been mapped by the Human Genome Project, can be addressed by ancestral healing. In short, anything detrimental you feel you have inherited or where there is a dysfunctional pattern in your family tree can be a candidate for ancestral healing e.g. incest or abuse.